InfoTech offers expert
multimedia presentation services, graphic
designing services and
multimedia outsourcing services which
help in developing a strong corporate identity.
Offshore Infotech provide
multimedia presentation, flash animation,
multimedia solutions,
multimedia outsourcing
from Ahmedabad [India] by using Flash, Photoshop,
Director, Illustrator, Adobe In Design, 3D MAX
and more....
InfoTech can create personals or business
introductions, animations &
presentations and special effects for your
personals, business or corporate presentations,
which will clearly target your communication presentations
to the targeted audience. We can add value to
your business, personal or corporate presentations
animations of your corporate logo,
graphs & 3D animated charts and by making
your idea or concept a reality through 3D simulation
and best
animation-multimedia services.
Offshore InfoTech' highly skilled team of
and animation are engaged in developing business
& productions for commercials, presentations
and other business promotional purposes which
will impress and dazzle your audience.We are fully
equipped with the latest animation & multimedia
tools and technologies, we can blow up quality
animation services and special effects to the
corporate market at a fraction of broadcast prices.From
full Flash website's to interactive CD/DVD production
and e-learning solutions Offshore Infotech can
envisage, plan and deliver bespoke animation and
multimedia presentation services.
A logo is a graphic representation of your company's
identity. It is composed of a symbol, illustration,
and/or typography (sometimes called a "logotype").
A logo should: